Trabajo Content Reviewer Night Shift (2)
AAA Qualified Person (Murcia) - - Murcia Region of Murcia
Job ID 254390BR Position Title AAA Qualified Person (Murcia) AAA Statement Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company, is an innovative radiopharmaceutical company developing, producing and commercializing molecular nuclear medicine theragnostics. AAA offers professionals the opportunity to face new challenges and pursue a career in a fast growing, technology driven healthcare company. We are passionate about improving patient health by leading innovation in nuclear medicine. We are l...
AAA Qualified Person (Murcia) - JobLeads GmbH - Murcia Region of Murcia
AAA Qualified Person (Murcia) Job ID 254390BR Position Title AAA Qualified Person (Murcia) AAA Statement Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company, is an innovative radiopharmaceutical company developing, producing and commercializing molecular nuclear medicine theragnostics. AAA offers professionals the opportunity to face new challenges and pursue a career in a fast growing, technology driven healthcare company. We are passionate about improving patient health by leading innovation...
Trabajo Comerciales Cugat Francia Sant (1)
Empleo: Teleoperador/a Campaña de Navidad
» Inicio » Trabajo » Empleo en Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona) » Area de Atención al cliente » Teleoperador/a Campaña de Navidad IMAN TEMPORING ETT, S.L. La filosofía de las Empresas Iman se basa en ofrecer servicios que cubran de manera óptima las expectativas de nuestros clientes y candidatos. Bajo un mismo nombre, IMAN, agrupa 5 empresas del sector servicios (Cleaning, Temporing, Seguridad, Corporation, Facility Management) además de CITIUS (Outsourcing) y Diswork (Centro Especial de Empleo...