Trabajo Customer Success Manager (789)
IoT & Analytics Commercial Ops Manager, Europe
Tech Data's IoT & Analytics groups' mission is to help customer and vendors to quickly maximize on the massive opportunity available across the complete data lifecycle market. We do this by leveraging our technology partner ecosystem to provide aggregated, end-to-end, ready-to-deploy, solutions with best-of-breed components, ranging from edge sensors and connectivity services to data aggregation, analytics and artificial intelligence. The Commercial Operations Manager is responsible for providin...
Recién titulados Estadística, Matemáticas o Física
UST Global is based in Aliso Viejo, California and has over 17,000 employees that work in 25 countries in Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe. UST Global is a leading company in IT Services that provides large-scale solutions for big companies. The aim of UST Global is to lead companies through their digital transformation and thus to boost the value of their businesses. UST Global seeks for excellence in the client's experience, offering high quality and personalized services, guar...
Software Developer - Server Applications
Our German partner agency stands for exciting projects and interesting career opportunities in the technical and technical-commercial area. For engineers, technicians and computer scientists, they offer attractive positions and support during entry and promotion in the fascinating world of technology. For our internationally active customer firm providing products and services for formal verification, validation and automated testing of embedded systems, we are now looking for ambitious German-s...
Business Analyst IT
UST Global is based in Aliso Viejo, California and has over 17,000 employees that work in 25 countries in Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe. UST Global is a leading company in IT Services that provides large-scale solutions for big companies. The aim of UST Global is to lead companies through their digital transformation and thus to boost the value of their businesses. UST Global seeks for excellence in the client's experience, offering high quality and personalized services, guar...
Business Analyst international
UST Global is based in Aliso Viejo, California and has over 17,000 employees that work in 25 countries in Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe. UST Global is a leading company in IT Services that provides large-scale solutions for big companies. The aim of UST Global is to lead companies through their digital transformation and thus to boost the value of their businesses. UST Global seeks for excellence in the client's experience, offering high quality and personalized services, guar...
Trabajo Del Lleida (688)
Técnico/a mantenimiento lleida
Realizar el mantenimiento, las reparaciones y pequeñas modernizaciones en el equipo del cliente de modo eficiente, eficaz y profesional para proporcionar un excelente servicio al cliente.. - incorporación a empresa multinacional líder en el sector. - salario en función de perfil, categoría y según convenio. - contrato temporal con posibilidad de indefinido. - vehículo de empresa y formación continua a cargo de la empresa. Salario: € brutos/año...
Profesional de reformas viviendas para reforma parcial vivienda en Lleida
Buscamos profesional de reformas viviendas para reforma parcial vivienda en Lleida Bon dia, Els preguem que ens facin un pressupost o bé un tècnic per a valorar la següent feina: En una finca unifamiliar antiga ubicada al centre històric de cervera, lleida. Rehabilitació d'un terra / sostre del pis anterior. Actualment que es troba en risc de col·lapse. Es sol·licita pressupost per a la intervenció. Els adjuntem imatges de l'espai afectat. Es poden dirigir al següent telèfon de contacte: 666 75 ...
Pintores para lacar muebles en Lleida
Buscamos profesional para trabajo de Pintores para lacar muebles en Lleida Lacar en blanco los muebles del comedor que ahora son de roble macizo. Mueble TV, mesa comedor, mueble bar x 2, vitrina+cajones (2 módulos), estantería. Vacantes: 2 Experiencia: No definida Contrato: Obra Horario: No definido Sector: Construcción - Obras Menores - Pintores...
Important empresa de Tàrrega necessita incorporar un/a COMERCIAL DE TELEMARKETINGDescripció del lloc de treball:-Vendre els productes de l'empresa a través de trucades telefòniques.Horari :-08:00 a 14:00h i de 15:00 a 17:45h de dilluns a dijous i divendres de 08:00 a 13:00h (40 setmanals)S'ofereix:-Contractació per ETT + incorporació empresa-Incorporació immediata Contrato Temporal Jornada Completa Administración, Oficina Recepción y Secretariado...
Maquinistes Control Qualitat
Importat empresa de la Segarra necessita incorporar maquinistes de control de qualitat: Funcions del treball: Realitzarà les tasques propies d'un maquinista control qualitat ( controls i gestió de la quaiat de matèries primres, semielaborats com de producte acabat, operació de neteja,manteniment (TPM) de la maquinaria i equips propis, planificació i aprovisionament de matèries i packaging, reporting de consum, mèrmes + gestió indicadors KPI, integració en equips i grups de millora basats en tècn...