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Trabajo Federal Benefits Service Representative (56)

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Álava

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Albacete

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Alicante

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Almería

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Ávila

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Trabajo Cantabria Santander (813)

Camarero/a - Hotel Vincci Puertochico 4* SANTANDER - (Cantabria)

Vincci Hoteles - Santander, Cantabria

Empresas: Vincci Hoteles En Vincci Hoteles ofrecemos una posicin de CAMARERO/A para nuestro Hotel Vincci Puertochico 4*, ubicado en Santander. Apostamos por ofrecer un turismo de calidad, responsable y sostenible, en el que nuestros equipos se desarrollan en un ambiente de igualdad, compaerismo y dinamismo. Entendemos la gestin y la promocin del talento como acciones clave para propiciar el xito en las estancias de nuestros clientes, transformndolas en experiencias nicas. Trabajamos diariamente ...

Administrativo /a Back Office

Eurofirms - Santander, Cantabria

Desde Eurofirms Santander estamos en bsqueda activa de administrativos/as back office para incorporar en importante grupo multinacional del sector energtico ubicado en Santander. Se realizarn las siguientes tareas:- Facturacin de forma manual de reclamaciones fuera de plazo. - Gestin de facturas de forma manual. - Manejo de Excel. - Capaz de seguir un procedimiento repetitivo.- Buscamos a una persona proactiva, responsable y organizada. - Valorable residencia cercana al puesto de trabajo. - Valo...

Conductor/a de camin con carnet C+E+CAP

Eurofirms - Santander, Cantabria

Desde Eurofirms Santander seleccionamos un/a conductor/a de camin con carnet C+E+CAP para importante empresa situada en los alrededores de Santander. La persona seleccionada realizar las siguientes tareas:- Carga y descarga de mercanca. - Camin articulado con remolque basculante. - Reparto a no ms de 300km desde Santander. - Entre otras tareas relacionadas con el puesto de trabajo.- Experiencia mnima de 2 aos en el sector. - Experiencia con basculante. - Buscamos a una persona organizada y metic...

Electromecnico /a

Eurofirms - Santander, Cantabria

Desde Eurofirms Santander, buscamos un/a electromecnico/a para empresa del sector industrial ubicada en Santander para realizar las siguientes funciones:- Reparaciones mecnicas y elctricas de carretillas, palas, gras mviles, etc. - Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo. - Entre otras tareas propias del puesto de trabajo. - Experiencia valorable de 1 ao en procesos similares. - Buscamos a una persona organizada, resolutiva y entusiasta. - Valorable residencia cercana al puesto de trabajo Spanish ...

Auxiliar administrativo /a

Eurofirms - Santander, Cantabria

Eurofirms se encuentra en bsqueda activa de auxiliares administrativos/as para incorporar en importante grupo multinacional del sector de la consultora. Las personas seleccionadas trabajarn en el back office de un cliente del sector energtico ubicado en Santander y realizarn las siguientes tareas:- Tareas administrativas como facturacin, cobros, contrataciones, contabilidad, etc. - Entre otras tareas propias del puesto de trabajo.- Haber finalizado la formacin en los ltimos 3 aos. - Valorable re...

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