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Trabajo Federal Benefits Service Representative (56)

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Álava

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Albacete

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Alicante

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Almería

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Federal Benefits Service Representative

Embajada de los EE.UU. de América - Ávila

Position is primarily responsible for the following functions: 1- Resolves wide range of entitlement/non-entitlement problems that may be experienced by recipients of Federal Benefits payable by the Social Security Administration (SSA), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Black Lung (BL) Railroad and Retirement Board (RRB), and the Department of Labor (DOL). Works with the Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, along with the payin...

Trabajo Torre (588)

Maria busca canguro o niera - trabajo de niera en Torre del Mar

Sitly - Torre Del Mar, Andaluca

Nosotros necesitaramos ayuda porque yo ahora tambin me pongo a estudiar y salgo una hora despus que las dos pequeas. Somos una familia amable, mis hijos son educados y cariosos. Necesito que tenga carnet de conducir, y disponibilidad de 8 a 9 de la maana y de 14 a 15h, llevarlas y recogerlas del cole Spanish IT & Internet & Media...

Inma busca canguro o niera - trabajo de niera en Alhaurn de la Torre

Sitly - Alhaurn De La Torre, Andaluca

Buenas Necesito por trabajo cuadrar algunas horas entre semana no es nada fijo de das a la semana. Me encantara que la persona que busco realice, juegos, ensee.. etc y si es en ingls mejor que mejor Spanish IT & Internet & Media...

Operario /a de produccin

Eurofirms - Las Torres De Cotillas, Region Of Murcia

Eurofirms selecciona un/a operario/a de produccin para empresa del sector de la alimentacin situada en Las Torres de Cotillas. La persona seleccionada desempear las siguientes funciones:- Seleccin de productos congelados. - Empaquetado y envasado. - Gestin de pedidos. - Control de stock. - Entre otras funciones propias del puesto de trabajo. - Buscamos a una persona responsable. - Valorable residencia cercana al puesto de trabajo. - Disponer de vehculo propio para desplazarte al puesto de trabaj...

Beln busca canguro o niera - trabajo de niera en Alhaurn de la Torre

Sitly - Alhaurn De La Torre, Andaluca

Hola! Somos Guillermo, Beln y la pequea Clara. Somos una familia de origen Canaria instalada en Mlaga. Somos muy familiares, abiertos y nos encanta viajar y hacer planes con amigos. Al ser una familia unida, nos encanta que la persona que nos ayude con Clara sea una ms de la familia y est a gusto entre nosotros. Idealmente, necesitaramos a alguien que tuviese coche, dispuesta a ayudar con las tareas de la casa y muy cariosa, ya que nuestra Clara lo es tambin. En alguna ocasin, sera la persona en...

Mozo de almacn (H/M/X) localidad Alahurn de la Torre

Manpower - Con, Andaluca

Tienes experiencia en el sector de almacn o como cajero/a reponedor? te gustara formar parte de una importante red de supermercados? buscas un trabajo para compatibilizarlo con otros aspectos de tu vida? En Manpower estamos buscando a una persona como T Cules sern tus funciones? - Reponer y ordenar todos los productos indicados del supermercado - Mantener el almacn ordenado. - Reponer productos lineales de cajas - Limpieza general de tienda Qu ofrecemos? Contrato inicial de dos semanas prorrogab...

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