Trabajo Senior Network Cloud Architect (7)
Within BayBridgeDigital, the Digital Transformation Architect (DTA) help transform our most strategic customers by helping Business IT understand what is possible and desirable, and how to get there, using all the power of Salesforce solutions and its ecosystem to enhance and realize their strategy. DTAs are customer-directed specialists solely focused on driving customer success through large-scale programs, change management, strategic advisory, innovation, design thinking, roadmap, usage, ado...
ERP Architect en Las Rozas de Madrid - Las Rozas de Madrid
ERP Architect-18000O2Q Preferred Qualifications Context Within Oracle Consulting, our architects own the architectural design of Oracle solutions for prospective and existing customers. The same team also works on the development of ?go to market solutions for market place. These are senior roles to act as the link between Oracle sales and delivery teams in the Oracle Consulting organisation. The ERP Architect ensures solution architecture feasibility and mitigates risk by leveraging a network o...
Senior Hybrid cloud Architect. Specialist on Public clouds - Madrid
The role holder provides advice and services to internal and/or external clients in Public Cloud Projects, (Azure, Amazon or Google).The focus is on aligning Cloud technology and IT strategy to business strategy/processes. Whilst there will be some synergies with roles within the CIO, there will be a different focus for consulting roles. Typically, these Consultants meet business objectives, solve problems and further business success by applying high levels of industry, applications and technic...
ERP Architect - Barcelona
ERP ArchitectPreferred QualificationsContextWithin Oracle Consulting, our architects own the architectural design of Oracle solutions for prospective and existing customers. The same team also works on the development of ?go to market solutions for market place. These are senior roles to act as the link between Oracle sales and delivery teams in the Oracle Consulting organisation.The ERP Architect ensures solution architecture feasibility and mitigates risk by leveraging a network of subject mat...
ERP Architect - Las Rozas
ERP ArchitectPreferred QualificationsContextWithin Oracle Consulting, our architects own the architectural design of Oracle solutions for prospective and existing customers. The same team also works on the development of ?go to market solutions for market place. These are senior roles to act as the link between Oracle sales and delivery teams in the Oracle Consulting organisation.The ERP Architect ensures solution architecture feasibility and mitigates risk by leveraging a network of subject mat...
Trabajo Cádiz Real San (10)
H.79 - TAPICERO ECONÓMICO en Cádiz - Cádiz
Tapicero económico tapiza sillas, sillones y butacas. En telas antimanchas y repelentes de líquidos y polipiel. Whassap 722275757. Cortamos espumas a medida. Reparamos sillones hundidos. Trabajamos por toda la zona de Cadiz. Puerto Real, Jerez, Costa Ballena, Chipiona, Barbate, Conil, Sanlucar, Rota, San Fernando, El Puerto de Santa Maria...
Empresa cerrajeria busca cerrajero serio, disponible y profesional, para cubrir servicios de cerrajeria urgente y no urgente en Cádiz, Jérez, Chiclana, San Fernando, Puerto Real y El Puerto. Con mentalidad emprendedora. Que reporte los servicios eficazmente y en el mismo dia de lo realizado, y honesto al manejar los importes facturados a los clientes hasta liquidar con la empresa. Si buscas algo a corto plazo, creyendo poder engañar, mentir o robar( al final se sabe todo) este no es tú anuncio...
Somos una consultora especializada en la implementación de soluciones comerciales para nuestros clientes, principalmente en tres áreas Procesos de Selección y Formación de perfiles comerciales Consultoría comercial Diseño y creación de canales de venta on line y Off lineNecesitamos incorporar ejecutivos/as comerciales para la creación de un nuevo canal de ventas, como empresa colaboradora de Redexis Gas, dentro de un proyecto estable en parte del arco mediterráneo.Buscamos comerciales para la ca...
cadiz busca buzoneo-publidirecta. | (IY-755) en Madrid - Madrid
Una destacada empresa busca personal en el área del buzoneo, de buena presencia y buen léxico al hablar en la ciudad de Cádiz en la provincia de El Puerto de Santa María, Algeciras, Puerto Real, San Roque dicha empresa ofrece buena remuneración, buen ambiente laboral si esta interesado comunicarse al siguiente correo:, envíanos tu perfil y te contactaremos...
cádiz esta en la búsqueda de azafatas-publiazafata en Madrid - Madrid
Una destacada empresa busca personal de labor azafata, de buena presencia y buen léxico al hablar en la ciudad de Cádiz en la provincia de El Puerto de Santa María, Algeciras, Puerto Real, San Roque dicha empresa ofrece buena remuneración, buen ambiente laboral si esta interesado comunicarse al siguiente correo:, envíanos tu perfil y te contactaremos...