Trabajo Seo Content Specialist Europe (16)
SEO & EMAIL Marketing Specialist - Barcelona
As a leading study abroad agency, ESL has been organising language courses abroad in Switzerland and throughout the world since 1996. Our presence is international, with more than 45 sales offices in Europe and Latin America. Beyond linguistic, cultural and geographical borders, we have helped thousands of students make their goal of learning a language and discovering the world a reality.For the fifth time since 2010, ESL was voted Star Study Abroad Agency in Europe at the 2016 ST Awards. This ...
Empleo: Social Media Specialist, SOE
Oferta de trabajo: Apply for job Save job » Company: J&J Family of Companies » Location: Greece, Athens » Salary: negotiable / month » Job type: Full-Time » Posted: 14 mins ago » Category: General OBJETIVES: + Provide leadership to the Digital and Marketing teams as well as agencies on the selective implementation, tracking and optimization of engaging Social Media strategies and plans for the entire set of brands in our portfolio (Beauty/Baby/Oral care/OTC?). + Provide overall guidance and supp...
Digital Marketing Specialist (h/m) - Galicia
Under the leadership of the European marketing coordinator and with the support and general guidelines of the corporate digital marketing team, you will be responsible for Online Communications and Digital Media management: Execute and manage our online communication. Plan, design, execute and follow up of all email marketing caigns. Plan and execute all the web, online marketing database, Social media, Email and Display Ads caigns. Digital Business Intelligence: Digital data collection, analysi...
[XHL-540] - SEO & EMAIL Marketing Specialist en Barcelona - Barcelona
As a leading study abroad agency, ESL has been organising language courses abroad in Switzerland and throughout the world since 1996. Our presence is international, with more than 45 sales offices in Europe and Latin America. Beyond linguistic, cultural and geographical borders, we have helped thousands of students make their goal of learning a language and discovering the world a reality. For the fifth time since 2010, ESL was voted Star Study Abroad Agency in Europe at the 2016 ST Awards. This...
(LKI028) | Digital Marketing Internship - NATIVE GERMAN en Barcelona - Barcelona
Native German: Online-Marketing Internship You have already studied or have worked in tourism, education or language travel. Now you want an international digital marketing internship. We are looking for a proactive, positive, outgoing, flexible amp; solutions driven native German speaker. Our international team communicate internally in English. We require good writing amp; communication skills in native German. The right candidate will be taught up-to-date in-bound marketing techniques in-hous...
Trabajo Cantabria Las San (18)
Oferta de empleo: Consultores Business Intelligence- Coruña
Ofertas de Empleo Consultores Business Intelligence- Coruña Ver más ofertas de la Empresa. AlamoConsulting Tecnologías de Información Consultor(a)/Asesor(a) Vacantes: 2 Publicado: 14/12/2018 Finaliza: 13/01/2019 Nosotros? Consultores en TI, más de 200 profesionales de altísimo rendimiento, titulados superiores, presencia en toda España (8 oficinas), crecimiento anual superior al 20% desde el principio, foco en I+D+i? Tipología de proyectos - Business Intelligence. Fuimos pioneros en BI y llevamo...
Técnico Aplicador de Control de Plagas | X.597 en San Fernando de Henares - San Fernando de Henares
Seleccionamos para la zona de Cantabria un Técnico aplicador de nuestros servicios de Control de Plagas para la zona de Madrid. Sus tareas fundamentales a realizar en las instalaciones de nuestros clientes serán: - Aplicar los tratamientos planificados diariamente. - Concertar las citas con los clientes para las visitas que no hayan sido asignadas con el planner. - Asesorar al cliente en prevención de nuevas incidencias. - Realizar las inspecciones pertinentes. - Controlar y realizar seguimiento...
Se busca señora seria y responsable para cuidado de señor mayor y labores del hogar por las mañanas de 9 a 12 y 3 noches a la semana. 500 euros San felices de buelna...
Mdico Especialista en Medicina Interna - JobLeads GmbH - Cantabria
Orden SAN/46/2017, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se convocan pruebas selectivas para el acceso, mediante el sistema de concurso-oposicin, a plazas de la categora estatutaria de Facultativo Especialista de rea de Medicina Interna en las Instituciones Sanitarias de la Comunidad Autnoma de Cantabria, (*) La fecha que figura en el plazo de presentacin tiene carcter indicativo. En convocatorias de la Administracin General del Estado slo se han considerado inhbiles las fiestas de mbito nacional; en c...
Empleados de hogar, Externo (sin alojamiento) en - Cantabria, Cantabria
Employer Daniella V.Family message:Se busca, empleado de hogar para trabajar 3 mañanas de 5 hrs (60 hrs al mes). Alta en seguridad social, 4 semanas de vacaciones, no trabajará festivos vacaciones, no trabajar festivos. Se paga transporte a parte. Necesitas que tenga coche propio. Las tareas son: limpieza, plancha y cocina. Persona que sabe cocinar bien y sano.Job offer data:- Empleados de hogar, Externo (sin alojamiento) en - Offers Trabajo permanente from 08/08/18- Salario por hora: Salario ne...