Similares al trabajo:
Trabajo Swedish Speaking Junior Campaign (4)
Swedish Speaking Junior Campaign Specialist (With Relocation Package)
Are you eager to launch your career in digital marketing while living in one of Europes most exciting cities? Do you have a passion for helping businesses thrive through online campaigns? This might be the opportunity youve been waiting for! We are currently seeking a Swedish-speaking Junior Campaign Specialist to become part of our energetic team in Barcelona. This hybrid position allows you to enjoy the best of both worldsworking from our office two days a week and from home the other three. Y...
Swedish Speaking Junior Campaign Specialist (Hybrid)
Are you passionate about digital marketing and ready to kickstart your career in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe? Do you have a knack for helping businesses succeed through online campaigns? We have the perfect opportunity for you! Were looking for a Swedish-speaking Junior Campaign Specialist to join our dynamic team in Barcelona ! This hybrid role offers the perfect balance between office collaboration (2 days) and the flexibility of working remotely (3 days). Youll work closely with ...
Swedish Speaking Junior Campaign Specialist (With Relocation Package)
Are you eager to launch your career in digital marketing while living in one of Europes most exciting cities? Do you have a passion for helping businesses thrive through online campaigns? This might be the opportunity youve been waiting for! We are currently seeking a Swedish-speaking Junior Campaign Specialist to become part of our energetic team in Barcelona. This hybrid position allows you to enjoy the best of both worldsworking from our office two days a week and from home the other three. Y...
Swedish Speaking Junior Campaign Specialist (Hybrid)
Are you passionate about digital marketing and ready to kickstart your career in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe? Do you have a knack for helping businesses succeed through online campaigns? We have the perfect opportunity for you! Were looking for a Swedish-speaking Junior Campaign Specialist to join our dynamic team in Barcelona ! This hybrid role offers the perfect balance between office collaboration (2 days) and the flexibility of working remotely (3 days). Youll work closely with ...
Trabajo Barcelona San (835)
Administratiu/Va Facturacin Parc Sanitari Sant Joan De Deu
Dades de l''entitat Entitat: Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Du Centre de treball: Sant Boi de Llobregat Poblaci: SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT Adrea postal: Dr. Antoni Pujadas, 42 Web: www.pssjd.org Perfil del lloc de treball Lloc de treball: Administratiu/va Facturaci Funcions i tasques principals: Atenci telefnica i per correu de demandes relacionades amb facturaci de provedors i clients interns, com ara els diferents departaments de l''Hospital. Contacte amb mutues, trfic, servei catal de la salut. Regis...
Enfermeros/as para Hospital Sanitas Cima (Barcelona)
Cdigo de oferta: 19385 Oferta creada el da: 25/03/2024 Oferta vlida hasta: [Fecha de finalizacin] Nmero de plazas: 5 Departamento o rea: Sanidad y salud Lugar de trabajo: Barcelona Experiencia previa: Menos de 1 ao Tipo de contrato: Indefinido Jornada: Jornada completa Retribucin: Entre 30.001 y 40.000 euros brutos/ao Horario: A determinar Duracin del contrato: Contrato indefinido Formacin y conocimientos requeridos: Titulacin Universitaria en Grado en Enfermera Idiomas: Ingls (Nivel Medio) Comp...
Patient Manager/Case Manager Internacional de parla rab Ref. S43-2024
Ubicaci: Esplugues de Llobregat (Espanya) Modalitat de treball: Presencial L''Hospital Sant Joan de Du Barcelona s un dels centres europeus ms importants en les especialitats de Pediatria, Ginecologia i Obstetrcia. El centre es caracteritza per l''alta especialitzaci i tecnologia, per ser una referncia en assistncia, docncia i recerca. El nostre model assistencial compagina la cincia, els avanos tcnics i la humanitzaci, des del respecte a la dignitat de la persona. Descripci de l''oferta Fer la ...
Enfermero/a en Barcelona
Necessitem un professional Diplomat/a en Infermeria per a unir-se al nostre equip a Barcelona. Incorporaci al setembre. Tareas Atendre la infermeria dun centre residencial per a homes en situaci dexclusi social que necessiten un periode de convalescncia per motius de salut. Capacitat organitzativa i de treball en equip. Es valorar experincia hospitalria i/o en lmbit de lexclusi social. A tenir en compte experincia amb el collectiu de persones sense llar. A tenir en compte shi ha realitzat algun ...
Administrativo/a comercial con idiomas
Desde la oficina de Crit Sabadell, estamos seleccionando para importante empresa fabricante de mobiliario para el sector horeca un/a Administrativo/a Comercial con Francés e Ingles ¿Te apasiona el mundo del diseño y la hostelería? ¿Eres un/a profesional organizado/a y con una gran capacidad de comunicación? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! ¿Cuáles serán tus funciones? * Gestión integral de pedidos y clientes. * Elaboración de presupuestos y seguimiento de ofertas comerciales. * Atención al cliente en mú...