Trabajo Technical Customer Service For (1000)
Software Developer - Java (Logistics)
Our German partner agency stands for exciting projects and interesting career opportunities in the technical and technical-commercial area. For engineers, technicians and computer scientists, they offer attractive positions and support during entry and promotion in the fascinating world of technology. For our customer, an automation technology and software firm, we are now looking for ambitious German-speaking Software Developer in the logistical area who are actively looking to enhance their ca...
Software Developer - Server Applications
Our German partner agency stands for exciting projects and interesting career opportunities in the technical and technical-commercial area. For engineers, technicians and computer scientists, they offer attractive positions and support during entry and promotion in the fascinating world of technology. For our internationally active customer firm providing products and services for formal verification, validation and automated testing of embedded systems, we are now looking for ambitious German-s...
Customer Service (English Speaker)
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Customer Service (Business to Business). Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increasing (B2B) customer satisfaction. Furthermore, you will be advising and assist...
Customer Care (Norwegian Speaker)
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented and is Norwegian your mother tongue? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Norwegian Customer Service (Business to Business). Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increasing (B2B) customer satisfaction...
Customer Service BtB Nordic Languages
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented and is Swedish / Danish / Finnish/ Norwegian your mother tongue? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Swedish / Danish / Finnish/ Norwegian Customer Service Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increa...
Trabajo Barcelona Las Los Madrid Sant (57)
TELEPERFORMANCE cumple 10 años en Cantabria y, de nuevo, ¡¡estamos creciendo!! Teleperformance es la Multinacional líder mundial en gestión de Contact Center. Somos 190.000 empleados repartidos en 65 países prestando servicios en más de 75 idiomas y dialectos. En Teleperformance España, contamos con delegaciones en Madrid, Barcelona, A Coruña, Ponferrada, Santander, Sevilla y Jaén. En Teleperformance la base para gestionar el talento son nuestros valores: Integridad, Respeto, Profesionalidad, In...
Consultor de innovacin, barcelona - Madrid Community of Madrid
Consultor de Innovacin en Barcelona Empresa de consultora estratgica en plena expansin especializada en asesorar a empresas en estrategias de innovacin, gestin de proyectos de Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin Tecnolgica (I+D+i) y obtencin de financiacin, busca para su sede de Sant Cugat del Valls, graduados y/o mster universitarios en ingeniera industrial, qumica, aeroespacial, telecomunicaciones, informtica o ciencias aplicadas para desempear las funciones de consultor de innovacin despus d...
Descripci n de la oferta de trabajo: te gustar a formar parte de una empresa l der dentro de las cadenas de supermercados? desde manpower te ofrecemos la posibilidad de incorporarte en una s lida e importante empresa como adjunto/a responsable de tienda. entre tus funciones estar n la caja, reposici n de productos, atenci n al cliente, etc. tambi n soporte a el/la responsable de tienda en gesti n de equipos, control stock, rotaci n de art culos, realizaci n de pedidos, contabilizaci n de mermas,...
Operario Almacen Cerro Negro
La necesidad de desarrollar soluciones de movilidad sostenibles, los retos ambientales y el crecimiento de la población sitúan al transporte ferroviario como uno de los motores para la movilidad del futuro. Con unas ventas anuales de 6.000 millones de euros y más de 30.000 empleados en 60 países, Alstom es uno de los líderes en este mercado. En España, somos el segundo mayor empleador del sector, con cerca de 2000 trabajadores en 19 centros de trabajo. Alstom es una compañía comprometida con la ...
Descripcin de la oferta: Funciones y competencias Te apasiona el mundo del motor?,te interesa una oportunidad en la que poder desarrollar tu carrera profesional en el rea la mecnica?, buscas estabilidad laboral? Esta es tu oportunidad!Trabajars en una empresa de una de las marcas lderes en el mercado del automvil ubicada en Castelldefels que te ofrece la oportunidad de desarrollo profesional en el rea que te gusta, contrato directamente por empresa para posicin indefinida, horario de L a V de 8:...