Trabajo Technical Customer Service For (1000)
Software Developer - Java (Logistics)
Our German partner agency stands for exciting projects and interesting career opportunities in the technical and technical-commercial area. For engineers, technicians and computer scientists, they offer attractive positions and support during entry and promotion in the fascinating world of technology. For our customer, an automation technology and software firm, we are now looking for ambitious German-speaking Software Developer in the logistical area who are actively looking to enhance their ca...
Software Developer - Server Applications
Our German partner agency stands for exciting projects and interesting career opportunities in the technical and technical-commercial area. For engineers, technicians and computer scientists, they offer attractive positions and support during entry and promotion in the fascinating world of technology. For our internationally active customer firm providing products and services for formal verification, validation and automated testing of embedded systems, we are now looking for ambitious German-s...
Customer Service (English Speaker)
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Customer Service (Business to Business). Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increasing (B2B) customer satisfaction. Furthermore, you will be advising and assist...
Customer Care (Norwegian Speaker)
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented and is Norwegian your mother tongue? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Norwegian Customer Service (Business to Business). Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increasing (B2B) customer satisfaction...
Customer Service BtB Nordic Languages
Are you commercial, proactive and result-oriented and is Swedish / Danish / Finnish/ Norwegian your mother tongue? Do you have a professional attitude and know exactly how to help customers? We are looking for you! As Customer Service Representative you will be responsible for the customer inquiries, for whom you are the first point of contact. Role: Swedish / Danish / Finnish/ Norwegian Customer Service Purpose: To provide an exceptional service in order to solve any delivery inquiry and increa...
Trabajo Las San Toledo (21)
MONITORA NTE en Toledo - Toledo
Se necesita monitora urgente para realizar un viaje de estudios con un colegio en Toledo capital. Se paga 90 de este lunes a las 10: 30 en el albergue San Servando y el trabajo finaliza a las 16: 00 del martes. Trabajo divertido y ameno...
esteticista/formadora en Toledo - Toledo
Técnica Esteticista formadora Resumen: Secretos del Agua TM es una firma nacional de productos de belleza y salud con presencia en todo el ámbito nacional. Esta delegación atiende las provincias de Toledo, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Cáceres y Badajoz. Ayudando a los centros de estética y a sus profesionales a crecer dentro de una cultura de belleza saludable. Descripción del empleo: La delegación busca a una esteticista con experiencia que forme parte del departamento técnico, le guste la formación y ...
ELECTROMECÁNICO - Cuenca en Toledo - Toledo
Si quieres formar parte del Grupo MAHOU SAN MIGUEL, y en concreto para su marca SOLÁN DE CABRAS, esta es tu oportunidad!Seleccionamos ELECTROMECÁNICOS:2 con especialidad en la rama ELÉCTRICA/ELECTRÓNICA con Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior o FPII Eléctrico y ElectrónicoSus FUNCIONES serán:- Mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo - Análisis de incidencias en máquinas e instalaciones y resolución de averías - Interpretación de planos o esquemas eléctricos y el apoyo a instalación de componentes el...
Oferta de trabajo: Recién licenciados para Aviónica
Recién licenciados para Aviónica - Madrid » San Fernando De Henares - Madrid - España » Programador » Jornada completa » Experiencia: Sin Experiencia » Tipo contrato: A determinar » 03/12/2018 » c » c++ » » » » » Información del Proceso % CVs leídos 79% Rapidez lectura: 01 d. 17 h. 1 m. CVs inscritos en el proceso: 153 Otras Ofertas de Empleo: c, c++, Madrid Más Ofertas de Indra Sistemas Encuentra tu Primer Empleo Imprimir Oferta Recién licenciados para Aviónica Indra Sistemas 03/12/2018 ¡Actual...
Apply for job Save job » Company: A.C.S Informáticos .SLAccorACIGRUP HOSPITALITY SOFTWARE SLAdeccoAjuntament de MataróAllSaintsAmerican Bureau of ShippingANANDAAreajob Spain ETTARROSSADES POPULARS DEL RIPOLLESARTIS MONTBLANC S.L.AsesoríaATE SISTEMAS Y PROYECTOS SINGULARESAURA STAFFING SELECCIÓNAxxonAXXON Recursos Humans / AXXON Selecting ETTBabel ProfilesBarnalabor, SL ETTBcn Ideas y empleo slBEUMER GROUP TECHNOLOGY IBERIA SLBugaderiaCatenonCLUB DE GOLF TERRAMARConnectus Gestió SCPConsolidar bar...