Similares al trabajo:
Trabajo Head Of Growth Strategy (159)
Head of Growth & Strategy ES
Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, thats what were doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But weve still got a long way to go Do you want to join us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech unicorn. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in dozens of cities across Spain and L...
Head Of Growth & Strategy Es
Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, thats what were doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connectingriders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But weve still got a long way to go... Do you want to join us?Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech unicorn. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in dozens of cities across Spain and...
Head of Growth & Strategy ES
Do you want to change the world? At Cabify, thats what were doing. We aim to make cities better places to live by improving mobility for the people living in them, connecting riders to drivers at the touch of a button. Maybe one day cities will be places where nobody needs a private car. But weve still got a long way to go Do you want to join us? Founded in 2011, we have become the first Spanish tech unicorn. Our HQ is in Madrid but you can currently find us in dozens of cities across Spain and ...
(AIS082) - Luxury Sales Executive
About VDB Luxury Properties: At VDB Luxury Properties, our mission is to disrupt the real estate market by redefining how luxury properties are rented, purchased, or managed in Barcelona and its surroundings. We are experiencing explosive growth, with big plans for the future, and are not slowing down anytime soon. Our mission is to continue delighting hundreds of high net-worth international clients worldwide by delivering a world-class service that they cannot find anywhere else, based on Spee...
Category Manager Cosmetics
Your role as a Trade Marketing Manager will see you being responsible for creating and managing our range of product assortments in-store and online. You will focus on the consumer, their needs and how they shop our brands. Working closely with our Head of Marketing, our talented sales, marketing, business analyst and comms teams you will maximise our brand sales in-store and online through assortment management, engaging POS and stands for our consumer''s shopping journey. You will be responsib...
Trabajo Barcelona Francia Madrid (54)
[Y-934] - Ingeniero/a de Diseo Mecnico (Instalaciones Industriales)
RDT Ingenieros es una empresa innovadora cuyo mbito de actuacin es el desarrollo de proyectos de ingeniera avanzados, trabajando en sectores como: Aeronutica, Aeroespacial, Automocin, Energa, Industria, Petroqumica, Bienes de Equipo, Bienes de Consumo y muchos ms. En RDT Ingenieros contamos con sedes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional: Bilbao, Barcelona, Madrid, Pamplona, Beasain, Derby (UK), Francia, Dinamarca, Marruecos, Chile, Puebla (Mxico) y Mxico DF. En esta oportunidad queremos in...
DCS605 - Growth Marketing Manager (Es/It/Fr/Pt)
En Drumwit, agencia de viajes sorpresa lder en el sector, estamos en pleno proceso de expansin y, con nuestra gran presencia en redes sociales, este puesto es una gran oportunidad para crecer personal y profesionalmente. Buscamos a una persona con mucha ilusin y ganas de trabajar, que sea resolutiva y ordenada, a la vez que creativa. Valoramos la capacidad para la gestin de mltiples proyectos a la vez. Es necesaria la experiencia mnima de 3 aos liderando proyectos en Marketing Growth en pases co...
Ingeniero/a qumico [VHF838]
Lo que vamos a realizar juntos? Desde Astek estamos buscando un/una ingeniero qumico para cooperar con nuestro partner lder en el sector del software industrial, en un entorno internacional de las grandes empresas de la qumica. Como miembro del equipo, se le asignar un proyecto especfico para la entrega de simuladores de capacitacin de operadores y tendr la oportunidad de adquirir una valiosa experiencia en la simulacin de procesos. Los simuladores de capacitacin de operadores (OTS) son herramie...
PRODUCT OWNER 100% Remoto (temporal)
FERCHAU Spain, provee servicios de ingeniera avanzada en el sector aeroespacial, automocin, ferroviario, IT, maquinaria industrial y plantas. Formamos parte de un grupo alemn fuertemente consolidado, reconocido por ser uno de los lderes de la ingeniera alemana y con presencia en Alemania, Austria, Francia, Polonia, Reino Unido e India. Ferchau lo forman alrededor de 11.000 empleados con ms de 100 Oficinas tcnicas. En Ferchau Spain contamos actualmente con un equipo de 300 ingenieros y tcnicos, c...
Jefe/A Produccin (Solo Quedan 15H) | (FN-199)
GSE (Global Solutions & Engineering), lder europeo en diseo y construccin de inmuebles llave en mano para los sectores logstico, industrial, de aparcamientos y servicios. Una empresa que fomenta la innovacin y le apoya en su desarrollo. Djate sorprender por la "experiencia GSE". Construimos y desarrollamos nuestras actividades a travs de una estrategia de desarrollo sostenible desplegada a todos los niveles del Grupo y en consonancia con las cuestiones sociales, ticas y medioambientales. Estamos...