Ofertas de trabajo para: - MEDICINA CÁDIZ
1 a 20 de 26 Ofertas para MEDICINA CÁDIZ(DKS-943) Veterinarios - Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia y Gales en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons into the UK s largest veterinary group, with over 430 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK. We are looking for candidates with good English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The is one of the largest integrated veterinary service providers in the UK, operating in excess of 430 veterinary surgeries thro...
Médicos Reguladores en Cádiz - Cádiz
Formará parte de un equipo médico a nivel nacional e internacional, para la gestión y seguimiento de los casos médicos que nuestra Compañía atiende. Desarrollada en nuestras sedes de Madrid y Jerez de la Frontera. Podrán inscribirse en esta oferta los médicos colegiados que cumplan uno de los siguientes requisitos: 1 Disponer de Licenciatura en Medicina u homologación en Españas 2 Acreditar un nivel alto en inglés, valorándose el conocimiento de otros idiomass 3 Se valorarán otras capacitaciones...
VMG-604 | Veterinarios Reino Unido en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Nurses into the UK s largest small animal veterinary group, with over 300 practices nationwide and plans to grow to up to 700 practices. We are looking for candidates with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of veterinary practices...
Médico General - SOTOGRANDE
Empresa proveedora de servicios médicos a nivel nacional en proceso de expansión, se encuentra a la búsqueda de médico general para uno de sus centros privados en la provincia de Cádiz. Puesto estable, buen ambiente laboral.Incorporación inmediata. Idiomas. Funciones: consulta externa de medicina general.Otro(a) ProfesionalMédico General (Medicina general)2 VacantesSOTOGRANDE -Cádiz (Comunidad Autónoma Andalucía)RequisitosExperiencia LaboralAl menos 1 año Estudios mínimosLicenciatura Requisitos ...
Médico General - Cádiz, Cádiz
Empresa proveedora de servicios médicos a nivel nacional en proceso de expansión, se encuentra a la búsqueda de médico general para uno de sus centros privados en la provincia de Cádiz. Puesto estable, buen ambiente laboral.Incorporación inmediata. Idiomas. Funciones: consulta externa de medicina general...
Veterinarios - Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia y Gales CL742 en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons into the UK s largest veterinary group, with over 430 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK. We are looking for candidates with good English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The is one of the largest integrated veterinary service providers in the UK, operating in excess of 430 veterinary surgeries thro...
[EN.544] Veterinarios Reino Unido en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Nurses into the UK s largest small animal veterinary group, with over 300 practices nationwide and plans to grow to up to 700 practices. We are looking for candidates with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of veterinary practices...
Veterinary Surgeon position - Wigan, Greater Manchester, UK - [YY.966] en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeon looking to develop his veterinarian career in Wigan, Greater Manchester, in the UK. We are looking for candidate with a veterinarian degree, with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident in their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals. All veterinarian practices a...
Especialista en medicina aeronáutica y primeros auxilios - BU-433 en Cádiz - Cádiz
Necesitamos especialista en medicina aeronáutica y primeros auxilios con disponibilidad de horas por las mañanas y por las tardes. Licenciatura en medicina o el titulo de grado correspondiente u otros títulos equivalentes. Diplomatura universitaria en enfermería o el titulo de grado correspondiente u otros títulos equivalentes, disponibilidad horaria de mañana y tarde. Incorporación inmediata. Se valorará formación teórica sobre prácticas pedagógicas o experiencia como formador/a...
Veterinarios Reino Unido | en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Nurses into the UK s largest small animal veterinary group, with over 300 practices nationwide and plans to grow to up to 700 practices. We are looking for candidates with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of veterinary practices...
Licenciado/Graduado en Medicina para Centros de Mayores | JUS en Cádiz - Cádiz
Trabaja con nosotros en Centros de Mayores de toda España inscribirte en la página web y dependiendo de tu residencia te informaremos de la oferta que mas se ajuste a tu origen de residencia y disponibilidad. -El trabajo es para ejercer tu profesión dentro de uno de nuestros centros...
Veterinary Surgeon position - Wigan, Greater Manchester, UK (CDR-170) en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeon looking to develop his veterinarian career in Wigan, Greater Manchester, in the UK. We are looking for candidate with a veterinarian degree, with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident in their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals. All veterinarian practices a...
[NJ-46] - Veterinarios - Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia y Gales en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons into the UK s largest veterinary group, with over 430 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK. We are looking for candidates with good English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The is one of the largest integrated veterinary service providers in the UK, operating in excess of 430 veterinary surgeries thro...
Veterinarios - Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia y Gales TTD431 en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons into the UK s largest veterinary group, with over 430 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK. We are looking for candidates with good English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The is one of the largest integrated veterinary service providers in the UK, operating in excess of 430 veterinary surgeries thro...
Veterinary Surgeon position - Wigan, Greater Manchester, UK en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeon looking to develop his veterinarian career in Wigan, Greater Manchester, in the UK. We are looking for candidate with a veterinarian degree, with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident in their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of Veterinary Clinics and Hospitals. All veterinarian practices a...
Medico Especialista en Medicina del Trabajo en Cádiz - Cádiz
Medico especialista en Medicina del Trabajo para servicio de prevención Ajeno;- Reconocimientos médicos de aptitud para el puesto de trabajo. - Emisión de informes de aptitud. - Emisión de informes por hallazgo de sospecha de enfermedades profesionales. - Identificación de protocolos médicos por puesto de trabajo. - Elaboración memorias anuales del SPA y clientes en área de vigilancia de la salud. - Otras específicas del puesto...
Veterinarios Reino Unido [WT.238] en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Nurses into the UK s largest small animal veterinary group, with over 300 practices nationwide and plans to grow to up to 700 practices. We are looking for candidates with excellent English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The employer is the largest national group of veterinary practices...
Veterinarios - Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia y Gales | (O.792) en Cádiz - Cádiz
We are currently looking for Veterinary Surgeons into the UK s largest veterinary group, with over 430 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK. We are looking for candidates with good English communication skills and who always strive to deliver first class care to the clients and who are confident on their ability and passionate about Veterinary Medicine. The employer The is one of the largest integrated veterinary service providers in the UK, operating in excess of 430 veterinary surgeries thro...
Médicos Veterinarios Reino Unido (JC-228) en Cádiz - Cádiz
Reachjobs es una empresa de reclutamiento específica en el reclutamiento de Médicos Veterinarios para el Reino Unido y Irlanda. Estamos en proceso de reclutamiento y selección de Médicos Veterinarios para uno de los mayores empleadores en el sector Médico Veterinario en el Reino Unido, con más de 400 clínicas y hospitales. Los hospitales y clínicas están equipados con alta tecnología y una excelente red de apoyo que proporciona que los Médicos Veterinarios puedan enfocar sólo en su trabajo clíni...
Oferta de trabajo: Médico a domicilio
» Inicio » Trabajo » Empleo en Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) » Area de Sanidad, salud y servicios sociales » Médico a domicilio ASMED DOMICILIARIO, S.L.U. Empresa dedicada a la atención médica y de enfermería a domicilio de ámbito nacional » MADRID » Sanidad » Ver todas sus ofertas (71) Descripción de la oferta Proceso de selección continuo Funciones se reclutan médicos, para realizar asistencias médicas en domicilio para compañías de seguro nacionales y de turismo, trabajo complementario al pri...