Trabajo Senior Embedded Software Engineer (19)
E-820 Embedded Software Engineer, Tarragona en Tarragona - Tarragona
Embedded Software Engineer en Tarragona SW and HW embedded engineers with experience in the development of analog, digital and power electronics. We need to incorporate senior engineers with 4 to 5 years of experience and also juniors that have done developments in the University or in other small companies. For junior profiles, Generation RFID has a training plan for them to become experienced developers in a 1 year period. The job positions are open for the areas of Tarragona and Barcelona. Th...
Embedded Software Engineer, Tarragona en Tarragona - Tarragona
Embedded Software Engineer en Tarragona SW and HW embedded engineers with experience in the development of analog, digital and power electronics. We need to incorporate senior engineers with 4 to 5 years of experience and also juniors that have done developments in the University or in other small companies. For junior profiles, Generation RFID has a training plan for them to become experienced developers in a 1 year period. The job positions are open for the areas of Tarragona and Barcelona. Th...
Empleo: Senior Embedded Graphics Software Engineer, near Munich
Oferta de trabajo: Apply for job Save job » Company: Opus Sterling » Location: Munchen, Germany » Salary: negotiable / month » Job type: Full-Time » Posted: 3 mins ago » Category: Our Client is a new, innovative enterprise that designs, develops and delivers System-on-Chip(SoC)products to customers worldwide. The company is focused on imaging, networking and computing that drive todays leading-edge applications. They are seeking a Senior Embedded graphics Software Engineerfor their graphics Comp...
- Embedded Software Engineer, Tarragona en Tarragona - Tarragona
Embedded Software Engineer en Tarragona SW and HW embedded engineers with experience in the development of analog, digital and power electronics. We need to incorporate senior engineers with 4 to 5 years of experience and also juniors that have done developments in the University or in other small companies. For junior profiles, Generation RFID has a training plan for them to become experienced developers in a 1 year period. The job positions are open for the areas of Tarragona and Barcelona. Th...
Embedded Software Engineer, Tarragona - (EOB994) en Tarragona - Tarragona
Embedded Software Engineer en Tarragona SW and HW embedded engineers with experience in the development of analog, digital and power electronics. We need to incorporate senior engineers with 4 to 5 years of experience and also juniors that have done developments in the University or in other small companies. For junior profiles, Generation RFID has a training plan for them to become experienced developers in a 1 year period. The job positions are open for the areas of Tarragona and Barcelona. Th...
Trabajo España Madrid Sant (225)
TELEPERFORMANCE cumple 10 años en Cantabria y, de nuevo, ¡¡estamos creciendo!! Teleperformance es la Multinacional líder mundial en gestión de Contact Center. Somos 190.000 empleados repartidos en 65 países prestando servicios en más de 75 idiomas y dialectos. En Teleperformance España, contamos con delegaciones en Madrid, Barcelona, A Coruña, Ponferrada, Santander, Sevilla y Jaén. En Teleperformance la base para gestionar el talento son nuestros valores: Integridad, Respeto, Profesionalidad, In...
adecco outsourcing precisa incorporar promotoresas para importante cliente del sector leos las funciones consistiren dar a conocer e incentivar la venta de producto leo ofreciendo degustaciones en el punto de venta fechas 19 y 20 octubre centros zona diagonal zona sant adride bes si estinteresadoa envos un email confirmando el centro que te interesa y nos pondremos en contacto contigo con la mayor brevedad posible muchas gracias...
Consultor de innovacin, barcelona - Madrid Community of Madrid
Consultor de Innovacin en Barcelona Empresa de consultora estratgica en plena expansin especializada en asesorar a empresas en estrategias de innovacin, gestin de proyectos de Investigacin, Desarrollo e Innovacin Tecnolgica (I+D+i) y obtencin de financiacin, busca para su sede de Sant Cugat del Valls, graduados y/o mster universitarios en ingeniera industrial, qumica, aeroespacial, telecomunicaciones, informtica o ciencias aplicadas para desempear las funciones de consultor de innovacin despus d...
VIE : DEVELOPPEUR PRODUIT H/F - Madrid - Madrid Community of Madrid
Entreprise:Atout Composites conoit et ralise des produits sanitaires sur mesure en rsine pour les tablissements accueillant du public (secteur de la sant, enseignement, bureaux, usines,...) : plan-vasques, tables langer, auges, paillasses.100% de la production est ralise Clisson (Nantes).PME de 30 personnesPoste et missions:Dans le cadre de notre dveloppement international, nous recherchons un(e) collaborateur(trice) qui pourra tudier la chaine de valeur de nos produits sur le march espagnol (es...
Descripci n de la oferta de trabajo: te gustar a formar parte de una empresa l der dentro de las cadenas de supermercados? desde manpower te ofrecemos la posibilidad de incorporarte en una s lida e importante empresa como adjunto/a responsable de tienda. entre tus funciones estar n la caja, reposici n de productos, atenci n al cliente, etc. tambi n soporte a el/la responsable de tienda en gesti n de equipos, control stock, rotaci n de art culos, realizaci n de pedidos, contabilizaci n de mermas,...