Trabajo Sr Sales Executive (18)
Business Analyst (f/m - Barcelona, Barcelona
The Business Analyst has a detailed view of what is coming in the business and gets these ideas delivered. They know what the business is thinking about and who needs to be involved to get things produced. It s a highly influential role and is exposed to advanced business and technology concepts (early on).Detalles del clienteInternacional company leading workspace worldwide. Nowadays, they are based in more than 100 countries and working with more than 2.5 million people helping them to grow th...
Business Analyst (f/m) - Barcelona
The role is to guide the idea owner through the development process, review progress at set stages, ensure simplicity, lead well thought through solutions, deliver specifications on time and always question and check that the idea is being designed in the best possible way (Overall Solution, Simplicity, Quality, Optimal UX, Design, Third Party Integration, Speed of Delivery etc )Work with PMs and System Owners to plan delivery datesSchedule and run demos for new features and capabilitiesSign-off...
Empleo: Technical Analyst 3-Support
Empleo: Apply for job Save job » Company: Oracle » Location: Portugal, Oeiras » Salary: negotiable / month » Job type: Full-Time » Posted: 4 mins ago » Category: General *Technical Analyst 3-Support* *Preferred Qualifications* Oracle provides a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications, platform services, and engineered systems. Oracle is hiring expert technical support staff for its *Private Cloud Appliance* engineered system, a cost-effective solution for rapid cloud deplo...
Senior business analyst ms dynamics CRM barcelona - - Catalonia
Internacional company leading workspace worldwide.Nowadays, they are based in more than 100 countries and working with more than 2.5 million people helping them to grow their companies mainly of the IT sector and creating a networking environment between them. As part of our larger Business Analyst team, you will have a detailed view of what is coming in the business and gets these ideas delivered.They know what the business is thinking about and who needs to be involved to get things produced.I...
Lead Business Analyst (m/f) - Barcelona
The role is to guide the idea owner through the development process, review progress at set stages, ensure simplicity, lead well thought through solutions, deliver specifications on time and always question and check that the idea is being designed in the best possible way (Overall Solution, Simplicity, Quality, Optimal UX, Design, Third Party Integration, Speed of Delivery etc )Currently the BA team members are a mix of Full-time Employees (FTEs) and partners supplied. Your responsibilities inc...
Trabajo Cádiz Sevilla Varios (5)
Varias posiciones - Cádiz, Cádiz
Limpiadoras/Limpiadores con discapacidad 30 + 6 VACANTE EN OVIEDOSevilla, Sevilla (España)Tipo de oferta: de duración determinada, jornada intensiva - indiferenteRequisitosEstudios mínimos Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnésExperiencia mínima Al menos 1 añoImprescindible residente en Provincia Puesto VacanteRequisitos mínimosSe necesitan Limpiadoras y Limpiadores para nueva superficie comercial con certificado de discapacidad y experiencia en funciones de limpieza mínima de 6 mesesNúmero de ...
Empleo: Varias posiciones
Ofertas de Empleo Varias posiciones CEAR Otra Actividad Otro(a) Profesional Vacantes: 31 Publicado: 13/12/2018 Finaliza: 27/12/2018 TRABAJADORES/AS SOCIALES? Sede Central 17 EN TOTAL España Estudios universitarios: Trabajo Social y/o Ciencias Sociales. Experiencia en el seguimiento, gestión y justificación técnica de proyectos de financiación pública en España: MEYSS. Conocimiento de programas informáticos y estadísticos, manejo de bases de datos y paquete office. Experiencia en gestión Herramie...
Oferta de empleo: Cliente Misterioso en JEREZ
Empleo: » Inicio » Trabajo » Empleo en Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) » Area de Marketing y comunicación » Cliente Misterioso en JEREZ Take a Tip Consultoría de Marketing a nivel internacional. » Sevilla » Marketing y Estudios de Mercado » Ver todas sus ofertas (47) Descripción de la oferta Duración de la oferta: hasta el 09/01/2019 Funciones 1. Realizar una visita como cliente a un establecimiento para verificar ciertos aspectos recogidos en un cuestionario y tras el estudio del manual del proyec...
Empleo: Backend Developer Java, Groovy
Backend Developer Java, Groovy - Madrid » Madrid - España » Programador » Jornada completa » Experiencia: 2 años » Tipo contrato: Indefinido » 03/12/2018 » java » spring » spring boot » » » » » Información del Proceso % CVs leídos 100% CVs inscritos en el proceso: 8 Otras Ofertas de Empleo: java, spring, spring boot, groovy, Madrid Más Ofertas de Otto Group Solution Provider (osp) Spain Imprimir Oferta Backend Developer Java, Groovy Otto Group Solution Provider (osp) Spain 03/12/2018 ¡Actualizad...
Oferta de empleo: Varias posiciones
Ofertas de Empleo Varias posiciones SERVICIO ANDALUZ DE EMPLEO Otra Actividad Otro(a) Profesional Vacantes: 178 Publicado: 21/11/2018 Finaliza: 05/12/2018 CONDUCTORES DE CAMIÓN T.I.R. (TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL) Nombre del anuncio CONDUCTORES DE CAMIÓN T.I.R. (TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL) Descripción del anuncio Tipo de Oferta: EMPLEO CONDUCTOR DE CAMIÓN TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONLA. SUELDO 1150 EUROS MÁS DIETAS (35 EUROS NACIONAL- 75EUROS INTERNACIONAL). Número de puestos 40 + 20 ALMERÍA Categoría COND...